package tfm.arcs.cfg; import; import; import tfm.arcs.Arc; import tfm.graphs.augmented.ACFG; import java.util.Map; /** * An edge of the {@link tfm.graphs.CFG}, representing the direct * flow of control. It connects two instructions if, when the source * is executed, one of the possible next instructions is the destination. */ public class ControlFlowArc extends Arc { /** * Represents a non-executable control flow arc, used within the {@link ACFG ACFG}. * Initially it had the following meaning: connecting a statement with * the following one as if the source was a {@code nop} command (no operation). *
* It is used to improve control dependence, and it should be skipped when * computing data dependence and other analyses. */ public static final class NonExecutable extends ControlFlowArc { @Override public Map getDotAttributes() { Map map = super.getDotAttributes(); map.put("style", DefaultAttribute.createAttribute("dashed")); return map; } } }