Petri Net Slicer (PN-Slicer) is a tool able to automatically extract slices from a given Petri Net. This web interface is useful to test the tool and play with small examples (we have limited the computations in this interface to 2 seconds). If you want to use the tool with bigger Petri nets, without time limitations, or as a part of your system, we strongly recommend you to use the current release of PN-Slicer.
In this interface, you can either write down a Petri Net or choose one from the list of examples. Then, select a slicing algorithm and define an slicing criterion (i.e. a set of places).
Once the slice is generated (button Slice) it is possible to download it (button Download). You can select the output format using the dropdown menu next to it.
In the Log panel you can check information about the slicing process: success or fail, the slicing criterion used, the date and time of the slice, etc.
You can find a more detailed description of the tool in the Github repository, including the source files and additional functionality.